Drummer Queens is an original all-Australian theatrical show created and composed by Joe Accaria. Featuring the talents of eight female performers, Accaria...
Comedy Theatre, Melbourne.28 January 2021. Come From Away is a musical based on a true story. Amidst the September 11 attacks in 2001,...
February 2021. Bangarra is a Wiradjuri word which means “to make fire”. Firestarter is a stunningly photographed film directed by Nel Minchin and Wayne...
The Headland Barangaroo Reserve, Sydney.22 January 2021. After 10 months in hibernation, Bangarra Dance Theatre has returned to the stage with a...
Sydney Opera House, Sydney.9 January 2021. There was a buzz and excitement as well as quite a few bedazzled masks, as audiences...
10 December 2020. Capitol Theatre, Sydney. It was seven years ago when Disney’s animated film Frozen opened in cinemas in the USA, smashing records...