Whilst it’s well accepted that the holiday break is the ideal opportunity to disconnect from work and reconnect with family and friends, sometimes it’s easier said than done.
Through my experience, dance studio owners always have plans and ideas whirring somewhere in their mind. Whilst you try to have a break, there is always a little green light called ‘work’ that’s turned on. With passion and purpose as your driver, work can be immensely fulfilling; it can be also be all consuming. Avoid using the holiday break to play catch up on outstanding tasks; rather, try these five simple strategies that will help you boost your energy, reset and recharge for what is still to come.
#1. Sleep
Take advantage of the opportunity to sleep, without guilt. If you can’t sleep in, sneak in a quiet afternoon nap. Sleeping is not a luxury. Sleep refreshes our emotional state, reduces stress and recharges our body.
#2. Keep moving
While it can be tempting to indulge in a Netflix binge, bodies that are used to moving start to feel sluggish when they stop, so keep moving over the break. Walking is always a gentle and effective option, and you can make it social by catching up with a friend. If the weather is restricting, try 15 minutes of quiet yoga in the morning or the evening to help keep your body fluid. If you’re not a yogi, simply YouTube some tutorials – there’s plenty of guidance available.
#3. Remember your hobbies
Hobbies are so useful for resting the brain, particularly for overactive minds. Hobbies often get put to one side in the busyness of a season, so the break is the ideal time to spend some time doing something you enjoy, just for the sheer pleasure it brings. Puzzles, board games, painting or crafts…. Whatever brings you simple joy, plan to do that. Time passes easily when you deeply engage in your hobby, and as you rediscover ‘flow’, your mind exhales.
#4. Reflect
If you’re feeling burnout, take some time to truly reflect on what has caused it, and what you can do about it. When we are constantly busy taking actions and making decisions, it is easy to overlook how it is all adding up together and affecting us and others. This does edge into the ‘thinking about work’ arena a little, but now is the perfect time to reflect and decide if we are living in alignment with who we truly are, or want to be. Give time to focusing on your heart and mind, through whatever medium you’re comfortable. It might be journaling, worship or meditation. Slow down and contemplate life and how you move through the world. You will feel more in control and rejuvenated when it’s time to return to the studio.
#5 Relationships
Relationships, whether they be with family or friends, are often the first things to be sacrificed when work gets busy. Like sleep and exercise, time for relationships is often cut from our schedules when the tasks pile high. Not everything can be measured by marking off your to-do list, so be intentional about creating time for fun and laughter with those you enjoy spending time with. You’ll feel much better for it.

By Jane Grech of Dance Informa.
Jane Grech is the founder and director of JG Creative, a South Australian company which operates Jane Grech Dance Centre, Pirouettes Dancewear and Adelaide Institute of Vocational Dance. An empowering leader, Jane’s businesses thrive from the power of a positive culture by design. Working with vision, her teams are a united and determined force. By embracing and enjoying challenges and celebrating success through having fun, her people are not only personally and professionally fulfilled, but her businesses greatest strength.
Jane is the creator and founder of DanceStep, a unique training program that works in partnership with dance schools around the world to offer Assistant Teacher Training programs. Through her work Jane is empowering studio owners to grow young leaders who give back to their studio communities.
Jane is an author and speaker on the topics of dance education, entrepreneurship and leadership. Passionate about encouraging, supporting and inspiring others Jane writes articles for Dance Informa Magazine and at her own blog, Dance Studio Success. Previous speaking engagements include Dance Teachers Unite, Come Together Dance Teachers Conference, ‘Exchange’ and Victorian Dance Festival. Jane shares her experiences with dance studio owners from around the world through her work as a Leadership and Studio Growth Coach with Dance Studio Owners Association.
Jane works part time in an effort to successfully navigate the challenges of combining a career with her greatest role, that of mum to Alana, Caitlin and Liam and wife to Brian.