A vibrant and exciting NYC experience, two Broadway shows, one of the biggest dance teacher conferences in the world, and a ton of inspiration and learning for dance teachers. The new NYC Dance Teacher Study Tour will offer all of this and more. The event, to be held 22 – 27 July 2022, is created by teachers for teachers and led by dance educator, studio owner and Rhee Gold’s podcast co-host Stacey Morgan.
The tour will guide dance teachers through six days of work and pleasure alongside a small group of like-minded dance aficionados – dance teachers, studio owners and admin team members. Participants will get to see shows on Broadway, meet and greet with industry professionals, go shopping on Fifth Avenue and learn from some of the most successful dance teachers in the business at Gold’s DanceLife Teacher Conference.

“Now more than ever, dance teachers are in need of some inspiration,” Morgan tells Dance Informa. “The last two years have left us feeling wrung out, like all of our ideas and creativity have been expended. Investing in yourself in 2022, filling up your own cup so that you can inspire and motivate your students is so important. Not only will you come back with a suitcase full of ideas to implement in your classroom, but you’ll come back feeling like yourself again. This experience will have you travelling with like-minded dance teachers, seeing Broadway shows, and learning from the best dance teachers in the world. It’s sure to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you’ll never forget. And don’t forget there’s plenty of time for ticking off your bucket list, go shopping on Fifth Avenue, have breakfast at Tiffany’s, visit the 9/11 memorial, climb the Empire State Building and see the Statue of Liberty.”
The NYC Dance Teacher Study Tour will be a unique opportunity for dance teachers, who are constantly giving to their students through their talent, knowledge, attention and care, to do something for themselves.
Morgan says that participants are sure to be inspired by Gold, whose conferences are well-known in the industry for being an immersive, intensive experience. “Rhee’s own brand of inspiration and motivation has to be experienced,” Morgan says. “He is truly a gift to the dance education industry.”

Dance teachers will also have the opportunity to take class again. “The dance classes at the conference are facilitated by ‘teachers’ teachers’ who know how to educate and inspire dance teachers like us (not just 17-year-old pre-professional dancers!),” Morgan explains, “and they pace their classes to suit all ability and mobility levels. You can choose to participate, to watch, to do a little and watch a little, whatever suits you. In addition to this, the instructors are in attendance at the conference. You run into them in the halls, they attend others sessions, and there’s plenty of opportunity to ask questions, network and build relationships with these incredible people.”
In addition to the physical and mental training that dance teachers will acquire through the NYC Dance Teacher Study Tour, the opportunity will also allow participants to enjoy an experience of travelling to an inspiring place like NYC, and with like-minded professionals. “So many of us normally travel overseas with our students or with our families, and if we make professional development part of these trips away, we always feel guilty about not spending enough time with everyone else; there’s no time to focus on the learning itself,” Morgan says. “By taking yourself out of Australia for six days, where you can immerse yourself in learning, see shows, eat at fabulous restaurants, have meaningful conversations with people who ‘get you’ or just rest, relax and rejuvenate, you’ll really make the most of this experience and get so much out of it that you can put back into your classroom.”

Morgan herself says she is personally extremely excited to travel again, see shows on Broadway and catch up with teacher friends. “I think I will burst into tears when we touchdown at JFK!” she adds. “I’m also looking forward to representing Australia at the event. As part of the tour, we have exclusive seating in the main ballroom, and so to have a big group of Aussies there in the front row will be so cool.”
The NYC Dance Teacher Study Tour is limited to a small number of travellers so that you can enjoy an individualised and tailored study to suit your bucket list.
For a breakdown of the Study Tour experience and to learn more, visit www.simplystaceymorgan.com/by-dance-teacher-4-dance-teachers-new-york.