Vitality is the state of being strong and active; energy, something dance educators strive to be on a daily basis for the dancers they train. But we need to remember to fill our own cups first so that we can then help to fill others’. That is what VDF’s Vitality Teacher Day is all about – bringing together dance educators for a day of professional development and networking that will leave them energised and inspired to take that learning back to their students and apply it in the studio.
A range of international guest speakers, advice from leading experts, hands-on workshops and networking are all wrapped as one VITAL day of professional development on Friday 14 April in Melbourne.

This well-established and continually growing event has been bringing dance educators and industry experts and professionals together since 2016. Held on the Friday before the main VDF weekend at Melbourne Showgrounds, Vitality Teacher Day will bring together hundreds of dance educators from all across Australia with a range of presentations and practical workshops.
Special guests this year include ballet’s newest visionary choreographer Loughlan Prior, Resident Choreographer for Royal New Zealand Ballet who will speak about his quest to honour the past whilst pushing ballet forward with new stories and vision. Further inspiration comes from Damian Smith, former Principal of San Francisco Ballet for 18 years who will speak about his remarkable career as a proud First Nations ballet and contemporary dancer who travelled overseas to dance professionally at an elite level before coming home to develop his own inclusive teaching style and establishing scholarships to support artists like himself. Damian will also a lead a beautiful, centre ballet class tailored to educators, focused on how to keep students engaged and empowered in their ballet training. Participants will have the chance to dance with one of Australia’s best.
There will be practical advice for studio owners from Chantelle Brunisma from Studio Evolution who will focus on how to make and stick to an effective Studio Business Plan whilst Rambert Grades will introduce teachers to their exciting new and inclusive contemporary dance syllabus born out of a partnership between the prestigious Rambert company and Rambert School, from the UK. Jane Grech, of JG Creative and the renowned Dance Step student teacher program will discuss practical ways to empower your students to become leaders.

Musical Theatre and Commercial dance legend and recent dance captain on the hit musical Hamilton, James Maxfield will give a dance workshop to inspire you with movement and ideas to take back to the studio, as well have the chance to dance your heart out!
In recent years the spotlight on health has really grown and there will be expert advice from Dietician Fumi Somehara from the Dancers Don’t Diet Centre for Recovery, Sydney. Zac Jones will be back to guide teachers on how to Heal Yourself + Move with his interactive practical presentation and TAPATAK’s Christine Denny will be sharing her experience of being a ‘Joymaker’ and empowering students with tools and strategies to bring resilience, confidence and joy to life, as they navigate the challenges of our modern world.
With so much on offer Vitality Teacher Day is a fantastic team building activity connecting your teachers to one another and others in the industry, all the while enjoying exquisite catering and a buzzing Dance Market of fashion, costumes, services, products, and giveaways.

Dance educators and studio professionals are invited to purchase tickets now and enjoy access to the main Energetiks VDF weekend for free! That includes the option to enjoy any of the many workshops and observe audition classes to pick up tips to take back to the studio. There will also be a special new addition for teachers over the main festival weekend, so stay tuned for more news on that soon! Fill your cup at VDF Vitality Teacher Day.
For more information about Vitality dance teacher conference visit
To learn more about the special guest speakers and instructors visit And keep checking back, as there are more special guests to announce!