A change of season brings a fresh start and an opportune time to set some new goals and reflect on the months ahead. Here, Dance Informa offers a list of four things all dancers must try this spring. Happy spring!
#1. See a show by an independent choreographer or small arts organisation.
Independent dancers and choreographers are artists who don’t work full time for dance companies. There are many small- to medium-sized organisations throughout Australia that produce dance works by independent artists with performances throughout the year. In spring, go see a performance or research some of these smaller organisations. You may also find work and opportunities this way as you develop your artistry and work toward bigger goals. There is also a good chance you’ll bump into the choreographer in the foyer after the show and they’ll be keen for a chat!
#2. Brush up on your dance history.
Spring can be the time of travelling to auditions and long periods of time waiting when you arrive. Use this time to brush up on your dance history by watching videos of some of the greats on YouTube or reading their autobiographies. This can be a great source of inspiration, and it is important to know the pivotal people, performances and venues that have played a role in getting dance to where it is today. This is relevant to all genres; hip hop styles have deep cultural histories, and ballet has evolved since court dancing. Having more of this knowledge will make you a more informed dancer.
Bonus tip: Travelling for auditions and living on a budget? Your local library may have DVDs of full length ballet performances that can’t be found on YouTube.
#3. Research summer dance programs.
The warmer weather in spring means summer is just around the corner. If your dance school is taking a break for weeks over the school holidays, now is the time to start researching what summer dance programs you may be interested in doing. Applications often open months in advance, and if it involves travel, you may want to start looking at saving up for registration costs, flights and accommodation. Starting your research now will give you time to ask past participants what they thought of the program or contacting the organiser to answer any questions you may have. It will be summer before you know it, and if you leave this research too late, you may miss out on a spot in your desired program.
#4. Make time to catch up with your friends and family.
The end of the year can be a really busy time for dancers. Final eisteddfods, school exams, end of year concerts and auditions all start to fill our calendars that we sometimes see our dance friends more than our family! Before you run out of weekends, make time to catch up with your friends and family whom you don’t see in the studio. These people can be your biggest support when you just need a break from dance and will be so happy to see all your performances. It’s a reality that many dancers move away for opportunities which sometimes pop up with no notice. This makes it trickier to see your friends who stay at home for University or school while you’re in a new place. You’ll always have social media, but make time to see them while you’re still in the same place.
By Elle Evangelista of Dance Informa.